Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Real Life Teenage Love Story Part 1 (Freshman Year)

So, although this is only my second post I feel that I should give more background on myself, beginning with how I met the love of my life, why on Earth would I want to begin my story with the beginning of my life? Anyway here it goes for anyone that's not too busy to read:

Freshman year in high school, every un-popular kid's worst nightmare. Especially for me because it was only my second year in public school, and my first year had gone just...horribly...I still remember what I wore (even though it was only 3 years ago). I wore a blue and white button up blouse white a white tank top underneath, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes (i hate those shoes now, I don't know what I was thinking). Needless to say I didn't quite fit in with the Aeropostale or Hollister kids, and especially not the Hot Topic advocates, but so I marched my way into the Freshman Campus at my high school. First period: Physical Education (terrible, with next to no friends), then came Second period, Honors Literature. I quietly picked a seat at the back of the room and watched as many students I has never seen before took a seat. This was the only high school in the county with two middle schools so there was an entire grade level of students from the other middle school that I didn't go to that I had never met. Suddenly, and unexpectedly, a very tall, dark, gothic looking guy walked into the room, looking...well... scary to me.He took a seat in the row next to me, one seat back. I couldn't help but to try to take glances at him from the corner of my eye, and I still remember my very first thoughts of him, "Oh my gosh it's a real emo kid!". I had never actually seen a, what we now call "EMO" person before, and he honestly scared me. As the teacher called the roll I patiently waited to hear him respond to his name, then it came "Blake", his name was Blake. For the rest of the class period, I paid close attention (as was expected from a straight A, "lives for her grades" student) to the teacher but couldn't get him out of my mind....

Third Period: World History, surprisingly he was in my next period call also, and was seated close to me again, and my friend Brittany. Brittany was a talker, she could talk to anyone nice enough and she did. Over time she started to talk to the guy in front of Blake, named Zach, and eventually Blake got into the conversation too. The day went on and Blake slowly left my mind,until 5th period. Physical Science, he was in yet another one of my classes. As time went on we began to talk, as friends, and it became a ritual for us everyday to do a few quirky things.

Number 1: In 2nd period he would walk in and he would throw his binder at me, so I'd get mad at him, and then he'd poke my side so I'd pull my arm back as a reaction to it and hit my elbow on the desk.
Number 2: We would go to 3rd period and I would write "I love Crystal W." on his hand because that was his girlfriend's name (years later I would come to have a hate and jealousy for her I've never known).
Number 3: By 5th period, he had just had P.E and walked in sweaty and found it amusing to run up to me and hug me while him being soaked in sweat. I being completely helpless consideing I was at the time 5 foot tall weighing around 90 pounds, Blake being 6 foot 1 inch and probably around 180-190 pounds.

Then in mid-February, he stopped coming to school,day after day for a couple weeks, I waited for him to come back. I didn't know what happened, I was lonely. I missed him, and everyone could see it. Finally I heard why he had been gone. His dad had suddenly died.He was devastated.But still time went on...

Although we had our less than normal friend routine, he was with another girl and I had a crush on a guy who was totally the opposite of Blake. The other guy, who is not worth mentioning his name, dated me for 2 weeks 1 day and broke up with me through text message. He only called me twice during the short period we dated, never acted like a boyfriend, never held my hand or anything and it was over. My first boyfriend. In the week before I dated him, I had found out through a friend of mine that Blake had a crush on me (by now him and his girlfriend had broken up), but unfortunately I didn't return the feeling at the time because I was further occupied.

Over the weeks that followed my short little break up, Blake and I became much closer. He was there for me and we texted all day everyday, he was my best friend.

Then came Spring Break, and I went to Florida to visit my dad. On my first night down there, Blake tried to tell me he liked me, and he basically did, but I told him I wasn't ready to date him yet. I always always knew that if we ever dated, we would never break up and he would me my one and only forever. He treated me perfectly and he was wonderful to be around. All of my first impressions of him were wrong. He wasn't emo, he just wasn't a very outgoing person, and either was I. He wasn't scary, he was silly and funny. He was just loving.

To my surprise, when we got back some time after Spring Break, he started to abandon me in 3rd period (where we had a substitute for the rest of the year because our teacher was having twins) in order to talk to this little preppy girl, totally opposite of him. Between Blake and this other guy, she had their total attention, flirting both ways, and they both were in total awe of her. Thin as humanly possible, a pretty face and not much else. (Brains definately weren't in the mix) I sat practically alone except for a couple faithful friends, nearly in tears everyday that some less than worthy girl had stolen my best friend from me. (and secretly underneath, I didn't even realize, she had stolen my love from me) I hated her, and I was so upset with him. His text messages came less and less and I never felt so alone. I got a text from him once, I picture of them both after a date. I commented with an "Awh how cute!", and placed the phone down in disgust and jealousy. And then sat on my bed, nearly in tears.

We talked occasionally, not too much, but not like it was before. And so the summer began and dragged on, and after 3 months she broke up with him. Then began our sophomore year...

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